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Dierdra Thompson

Board Administrative Assistant

Hesci! My name is Dierdra Thompson. Cvhocefketv. Este Mvskokvlket owis. I am a descendent of the Muscogee Creek Nation and a tribal member. I am also of Choctaw and Cherokee descent. I have resided for most of my life in Oklahoma and on our sovereign land that was reaffirmed in the McGirt V Oklahoma decision. I am the mother of 3 adult children and the grandmother of 3 grandsons with another grandbaby on the way. I have worked as the UAII Board administrative assistant and while working at the USPS also. My parents met and lived in the Los Angeles area before moving back to Oklahoma. I still have family who reside here in California, whose parents, were part of the Indian Relocation Act. I was raised traditionally and attend my ceremonial ground Apeka. I was raised on my dad’s side which is Muscogee Creek while still knowing that I also come from other tribes. I have kept in touch with my traditional roots and the older I have gotten the more important it has become to raise my grandchildren that way so that they learn, I also enjoyed being in touch with our Mvskokvlke (Mvskoke People) and trying to help them anyway I could. I was raised that way and that we should take care of our people always and I have strived to become an advocate for my people. I am a graduate of the College of Muscogee Nation. I also attended Northeastern State University and majored in Tribal Leadership. I hope to return soon so that I can complete my degree and help others anyway I can and be an advocate for all nations not just my own. In my spare time I enjoy spending it with my family, especially my grandkids and my fur babies. Every summer we can’t wait until it is time to open our ceremonial ground for the season. We get to go dancing, prepare, and eat our traditional foods and celebrate our New Year during the summer. My family and I also teach my grandsons our traditions and hope they continue to carry on those traditions are they grow older.

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