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Seven Generations Summer Updates


[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]P&A Events

When school is out, summer activities begin! Seven Generations was able to host a movie day at a local AMC theater to watch Jurassic World! Many families were able to gather and create social connections before the movie. Our community was very excited to have a movie theater just for themselves. Everyone got to enjoy hot dogs, popcorn, and a refreshing beverage. 7G’s Palmdale families were also able to escape the heat of the high desert at a private movie screening at Cinemark Antelope Valley. Our AV families expressed they are happy to return to in-person events in their area and thankful for all of the family bonding activities provided by 7 Generations. Many of our families and community are excited about the next event!

1, 2, 3 strikes you’re out at the old ball game…Our community enjoyed a beautiful summer night at Dodger Stadium. They were able to see our Los Angeles Dodgers defeat the San Diego Padres. There were many smiles and cheers throughout the game and lots of Dodger dogs and churro ice cream!

Native TAY Academy

Are you or do you know someone who is between the ages of 16 – 24 with personal (direct/indirect) experience with mental health conditions (personal, as a family member, as a caregiver, etc.) and live(s) in Los Angeles county? If so, then this is for you! Our 7 Generations program is excited to announce that we will be hosting an upcoming academy for our TAY (Transition Age Youth) American Indian/Alaska Native community.

The academy project is part of our continued partnership with the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health American Indian/Alaska Native Underserved Cultural Communities (UsCC) subcommittee. The goal of our work with the UsCC and in hosting this project is to increase the capacity of the public mental health system to develop culturally relevant recovery-oriented services, specific to the AI/AN community.

With the AI/AN Youth Academy Project we hope to identify mental health access barriers for AI/AN Transition Age Youth (TAY) (aged 16-24) by engaging this population in advocacy and activism around mental health all while building capacity using traditional forms of healing. UAII 7 Generations P&A Care Coordinator Nikki Crow (Cheyenne-Arapaho Tribes) will be leading the academy (consisting of 5 workshops) starting in December 2022 that will include mental health stigma reduction program, art breakouts focused on traditional forms of healing, and athletic workshops. At the end of the Youth Academy, the youth and Facilitator will host a

Community Forum to showcase their work. Participants who complete the Academy will each receive a $250 stipend.

This will be an amazing opportunity for our AI/AN TAY population and will help us to better serve our community. Be on the lookout for flyers and invitations to RSVP for this unique event!

We would like to acknowledge two of our therapists, Guillermo Gonzalez-Lopez and Virginia Arvizu, for earning their licenses recently. Congratulations to our new LCSWs!


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