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COVID-19 Vaccine Resources (Early Phases)


Los Angeles Residents

When can I get the vaccine in Los Angeles?

The supply of COVID-19 vaccines will be limited for the first few months. This means that the vaccine will be offered to different groups of people at different times. When enough vaccine is ready, it will be offered to everyone. Please see the phases below for estimated time frames*. The phases will overlap so, for example, a person in Phase 1A may get their second dose of vaccine at the same time as a person in Phase 1B gets their first dose.
Sign up for the Public Health COVID-19 Vaccine Email Newsletter and/or get more information by visiting

For more information on the current phase and receive more information on how to identify a vaccination site (if you are eligible), please visit:

Orange County Residents

When can I get vaccinated in Orange County?

Phased Approach to Vaccine Distribution – Given the limited initial supply of COVID-19 vaccines, distribution will be limited at first and increase over time. Determinations will be based on reaching critical populations to reduce morbidity and mortality rates due to the transmission of COVID-19.

– National Academy of Sciences Prioritization

For more information on the current phase and receive more information on how to identify a vaccination site (if you are eligible), please visit:

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