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Yoga Classes Offered During Pandemic


[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]UAII’s Los Angeles American Indian Health Project hosts Yoga Classes every Thursday from 11 am – 12:15 pm over Zoom. Each session is led by talented yoga instructor Mark Parra, Navajo.


These weekly yoga sessions are a great way to build community as attendees are able to participate and support one another.


There are many reasons why participants enjoy our yoga classes. Iyengar (i-yen-gar) yoga, the type performed in each class, focuses on the strength and stability of the body. Yoga also provides the feeling of being grounded, which is especially important during the isolating times we are in. Since instructor Mark Parra is Navajo, he both understands and integrates native cultural aspects into his teaching.


Our dedicated Yogis’ have turned their home into their own yoga studio and love to practice yoga weekly as you can see in the photo. If you would like to join, please contact Natalie Oseguera, Health Educator at (213) 271-4956, or email at to RSVP and receive the Zoom link. Please don’t let the time stop you from attending, feel free to come for the length of time that your schedule allows.


Committed Yogis receive their very own yoga props! [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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